Monday, December 17, 2012

8 Months and MOVING!!

This past month has been an explosion of development!
On Thanksgiving Liam finally took crawling steps and by my birthday a week later he was off!
He finally got his two front teeth in which as exciting as it is, is kind of no fun. He had a few restless nights because of it not to mention having to practice his biting skills on lots of things.
He is talking more, saying fuller babble words. If that makes sense.
Now that he is crawling he is into EVERYTHING!
Mike has taken it upon himself to baby proof the house and we need it!
I've had to catch him a couple of times from going head first down the stairs. Oh boy!
If I thought he was moving before he is REALLY moving now! He's even moving around like crazy in his sleep.
He had his first over night stay with his Grandma Chi Chi (my mom). Bless her soul it was the day his two front teeth were cutting in and he was getting sick to boot! She was so kind to take care of him while I soaked in the hot springs for my 30th.
Now that Christmas is right around the corner it has been non-stop!
Liam got to see Santa last Saturday and did surprisingly well! I'm looking forward to seeing how he does with opening up presents.
He didn't have a pediatrician appointment this month so I'm not absolutely sure of his weight but I weighed him at Baby Earth and the scale said 24.9lb which would mean he's lost a pound so I'm not sure how accurate that scale really is. Or it could be that he's up and moving around so much he's lost some baby weight. We'll find out next month I guess!
Alrighty, I'm off to make sure he's not getting into anything too dangerous.
Photo time!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

7 Months: This is Fun!

I apologize in advance for my writing this evening. I am half asleep but know I won't get to this if I don't do it now.
Little Man Liam is now 7 months old and weighed in just short of 26lbs. He is massive! He is now wearing 18 month old clothing. I'm afraid to know what I have in store for me by the time he's a year! I'm thinking a 5 o' clock shadow and a baritone voice.
He is so close to crawling it is ridiculous! He is pulling himself up onto his knees but hasn't quite gotten the whole moving forward thing. We've witnessed a couple of crawl steps but then he loses momentum. He does have a tendency to do scoot himself backwards under furniture like tables, beds, and chair. He'll get all the way underneath and then get frustrated that he is stuck.
He still only has 2 teeth and keeps acting like he is getting more but none have surfaced.
He is loving being on solid foods and so far has eaten everything we've given him. His least favorite is jars of baby food. He seems to prefer the real deal.
We did our first big travel with him around Halloween for my Aunt's wedding and of course to see his Chi Chi (my mom) and Maw Maw (my Grandma) up in Oklahoma. He was a rock star on the way home but cried for about an hour on the way up there. Sometimes he just doesn't like the car.
We are taking our first air travel in a couple of weeks and I am terrified! I am doing it without Mike and I'm thinking things are going to get crazy. I'm imagining crying the whole time, explosive diaper, explosive spit up on the passenger sitting next to us, and more crying. Maybe I will start now with a pep talk to Liam about how amazing planes are, even though I think they're pretty terrifying. And probably I should bring a gift for whomever ends up sitting next to us.
I am drawing a blank on any other fun Liam news. I'm sure I'll catch it all by next month. In the meantime, enjoy these photos and goodnight!

**update: this was written on Thursday and it is now Monday. Still sleep deprived and very sorry I forgot to post this sooner!

Almost there!

At the Pumpkin Patch in Oklahoma

Bruce Liam: Ninja Master

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Half of One Year: A Real Ham

Liam is now 6 months old!
Man the time if flying by! I have been waiting for this age. He is becoming more independent and I love it!
He can sit up really well now. No pillow needed to catch him anymore.
He loves to play with toys. His favorites are those that have a cool texture when he chews on them because he chews on all of the toys and I mean all of them. Among his favorites are any kind of paper, an old foam bath toy, and our water bottles. On the plus side, these toys are cheap!
The big news this month is that he has started solids and not surprisingly he loves everything that I've fed him so far. Sweet potatoes, rice cereal, banana, apples, peas, carrots, oats, butternut squash, pear and avocado  He even ate part of a lime yesterday and loved that too! Let's hope he keeps it up.
In other big news he's begun to mimic our words. So far he's said da da and ma ma. He doesn't know what he's saying but hey, it's a start!
It is so fun to see his personality really start to blossom. He is such a ham. He is always happy and laughing. I just love being around him and know that is a trait of his that will last throughout his life. I am truly blessed.
Klauss has become Liam's tag-a-long. He follows Liam wherever he is. When I go to put Liam down for bed or a nap, Klauss will lay outside his door. He also loves french kissing Liam which we try to minimalize because Klauss eats some pretty nasty stuff. Liam also has a fascination with Klauss's bum which we REALLY try to minimalize because that's just nasty.
Liam weighed in at one ounce shy of 24lbs and is a whopping 29" long. He is barely fitting in his 12 month clothes.
OH how could I forget! He also has 2 new teeth! They are his bottom ones and they are as sharp as razor blades! Luckily this hasn't been an issue while breastfeeding.
Liam at 6 months:

 For Liam's half birthday we planted him a peach tree. It should grow great in this Texas climate and it will be fun to watch the both of them grow together.

Liam with pea face:

Lastly, for those of you who haven't seen it yet, here is a link to see Liam say dada!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

5 Months: Discovery is Upon Us!

How fun life is!
Everyday there is something new that this little man discovers.
Four days ago he officially sat up all by himself, no help needed! I still surround him with cautionary pillows, just in case.
He is also teething which means if he can touch it, it goes in the mouth to be gummed to death.
It's as if the light bulb was turned on and all the wheels of the Liam brain factory began all at once. He loves watching the world around him. People, animals, cars, toys, he is intrigued by it all.
He is also laughing and smiling more than ever. He really is such a joy to be around.
I've read him books since he was a few weeks old but he is now really getting into them, he hits at the pages when excitement then uses all of his strength to pry it out of my hand to chomp on it. Perhaps one day he will sit quietly as I read to him. Ha! Fat chance!
Shortly after his 4 month birthday he rolled over from his back to his stomach. But he still hasn't learned to roll from his stomach to his back. There have been several a morning that I hear a distressed fuss and find him on his belly in his crib. Fingers crossed that this development happens soon!
This month he weighed in at 22lbs 10oz. His growth is slowing down a little bit. Thank goodness! I don't think my back can handle much more weight before it snaps!
Last weekend Sara, a friend of ours, did a photo shoot with Liam. These are probably the best photos I've ever seen in my entire life. I am biased of course but she really did an amazing job.
Here is a link if you're interested in having your heart filled with rays of sunshine:!i=2085886174&k=SXt7wwC

and now for your viewing pleasure, my mediocre photos of Liam's 5 month birthday. This is his dapper Newsies outfit.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hunk O' Lovin': 4 Month Old

Liam is now 4 months old and as adorable as ever!
He just weighed in at 21.7 lbs and 28 inches long. He just won't stop!
He is now in 9 month clothing and even some of that is getting snug.
He is so much fun to be around. He is smiling and laughing constantly which just radiates joy everywhere.
He is able to hold himself up so he can now use his Johnny Jumper and Walker. He love to be moving always! He can't quite sit up on his own yet but I think he's getting pretty close.
Another exciting development is that he can now reach out and grab at things. Whatever it is, it usually goes directly in his mouth to be drooled and gummed all over.
His favorite things are to nosh on his swaddler blankets and being sung itsy bitsy spider.
He's still a bit fussy in the car but I've discovered if I put loads of noisy bright toys back there with him, he get distracted at how much he hates the car.
We started a bedtime routine this past month and it's been going well...sort of. He goes down easily about half of the time. The other half he tries to fight the sleep. He was on his way to sleeping through the night until he hit a growth spurt a couple of weeks ago and now he's waking up 2-3 times in the night and waking up at 6am instead of the normal 8am. It's pretty rough. I'm hoping this is just another phase.
For this months picture, I couldn't pick just one so you get to see several!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Month 3: All Smiles and Giggles

Liam is so much stinkin fun!

This past month he has reached lots of new milestones.
He is smiling
He is laughing
He is talking (baby talk of course) and mostly to Mike
He is reaching for toys, hair and hands most of the time so he can put it in his mouth.
He is now sucking on his fingers instead of his whole fist.
He is now crying real tears (which are strong enough to break hearts)
He is now sleeping in the crib in his nursery instead of the bassinet by our bed
and he is now 19lbs 5oz! No wonder my arms get so tired lugging him around!

We are doing an extended vaccination plan with Liam so he is not getting bombarded with tons of shots at one get go. We also researched the recommended vaccines and decided which ones were and were not necessary for him. That being said, he had his second round of vaccines today and he was a major champ! It was one of the hardest things though to hear those cries of pain.

I am so amazed by him everyday.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Month Two = The light is ON

At any given point of time in the day I will undeniably have a combination of either pee, spit-up, milk or poo on me. At the moment I have spit-up on my neck and a tank top covered in milk. Should I shower and change? yes. Will I? Probably not.
I'm not sure when it happened but some time over the past three weeks a light switch clicked on in Liam's brain. He started looking at us and smiling. What a feeling! This mostly happens when he first wakes up in the morning. I'm sure he does that on purpose because he sees my grouchy sleep deprived face and can't help but smile which makes me smile and able to start my day right.
He is also entertained my moving things that make noise. Rattles, blinking lights, he loves his mobile in his crib. He was fussing like crazy one day and Mike put him under a toy cat that has flashing lights and plays music and he went absolutely silent. He was totally enthralled. I am liking this new phase. There are phases I am not enjoying. He now totally hates car rides. I think he gets bored or lonely or something but I can't even run a quick errand without having a crying baby on my hands. He's totally happy once we get there, it's just the car ride. I'm REALLY hoping it's a phase he'll grow out of.
This month he was able to meet his Uncle Brian and Uncle Jon which was really awesome. They were so good with him.
He also had his first trip to the lake and to the swimming pool. It's just too darn hot not to be in the water in Texas.
I've started watching our neighbor's baby a couple of days a week for extra income. He is 7 months old and really fun for the most part. There are those moments when both babies are crying and I have to decide who to pick up first and how to calm them both at the same time. It's at those moments that I think "Thank God I didn't have twins" I have to give kudos to anyone who has raised twins. It's hard enough with just one baby! I can't believe I wanted twins so badly!
Liam has also been using his voice a lot more. His baby talk is so cute and loud for such a little guy! A part of me is hoping this means he will start speaking sooner rather than later.
This month he weighed in at 17lbs 10oz and 26in long. He has outgrown most of his 3 month clothes and is now wearing 6 month clothing. I'm a little nervous what his size will be at 6 months!
I have to admit, it is a lot of fun seeing him develop has quickly as he has been. I know it's just going to get even better.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

One Month = sleep, poop, poop, eat

I am writing this late. Liam is two months now but I am going to reminisce from last month as the thought of doing a blog post never crossed my very sleep deprived, baby distracted mind.
As most of you all know by now, Liam is a beast. Just his size, his personality is that of an angel, a very very hungry angel. He popped out of the womb hungry! He was eating about every hour and a half to two hours everyday all day and night. It's funny, I was once one of those people who said "I've got two dogs, I'm prepared for parenting" HA hA HA! If only it were as easy as scooping dry food in a bowl twice a day!
I am keeping with my natural parenting and breastfeeding Liam. It is beautiful and wonderful but a lot of work. I read recently that breastfeeding is a labor of love and that could not be more true.
You can easily say that about parenting in general though.
I can't even begin to describe the feeling that child brings to my heart. He has opened a door in my soul that I never knew was even there. I could literally stare into his face all day and night and not tire of him. I look at his little hands and eyebrows and lips and toes and think to myself "I made that, I created that from just a couple of cells, WOW".
There wasn't a lot visually happening with his development during this month. I think it was just a major adjustment time for Mike and I getting use to this little human in our lives.
He is strong and has been able to hold his head up from the first moments after birth. Each day I see him getting stronger and stronger too.
He weighed in at 15.5lbs this month and 24.5in long.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Welcome to the World Liam!

It has been an absolutely crazy past 17 days. For those of you who don't already know, the world welcomed Liam Tommy Kilpatrick on April 11th at 10:35am. Weighing in at almost 11 pounds (10lb 14oz) and almost 2ft long and born au natural. I still am not sure how my body handled that one!

My water broke at 11:55pm on April 10th. This is after literally trying every natural labor inducing method out there (with the exception of caster oil). I still didn't have any signs of labor so my midwife said to get some sleep and I would probably start labor within 6-8 hours. 30 minutes later, I went into labor.

This picture was taken pretty soon after I went into labor. I wanted to document how massive I was before he arrived. (39 weeks 5 days)

Time is funny when you are in labor. You would think that it would drag on because of the discomfort of contractions but it flew by. In no time at all my contractions were 3 minutes a part and Mike suggested we call the midwife again. We met her at the birthing center at 4:30am. I was really relieved to have my favorite midwife Roswitha for these first stages of labor. She was reassuring and comforting. The next few hours were a blur of handling contractions. Sometimes I like being massaged, other times I hated being touched. I knew things were progressing nicely when I was in writhing pain and Roswitha came in really excited and said "yes, this is going wonderfully!" It did not feel so wonderful at the time. Luckily I was far enough along to finally get in the big tub. She didn't want me to get in too soon because it may slow labor down. I'm not sure how long I was in the tub for but eventually Roswitha had to go home and we got a midwife we'd never met before named Michelle. I was so far gone it could have been a homeless man in scrubs and I wouldn't have known the difference. After some of the hardest contractions of my life they told me I could start pushing. So I pushed, and pushed and pushed, then they said I had to get out of the tub "do I have to?" yes. So I did. Then I pushed some more. Mike then announced that he could see the head! Keep pushing! All I could think of was what my mom had told me "Once the head comes out, the rest of the body will just slide right on out" so I pumped myself up. All you have to do is get the head out, that's all. Push..Push...Push..Push..."Okay, the head is out! Now I need you to give me two big pushes and some small pushes" PUSH..PUSH..."Okay, I need you to give me two more big pushes!!!" what the hell?!? What seemed like centuries later, Liam finally made it out. He was put on my chest and he was blue with a cone head and he was the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. He hadn't cried yet and Mike said "What do we do?" the midwife said "Talk to him" so he did and as soon as he heard Mike's voice he took his first breath, well wail. It was magnificent.
He lay on my chest for over an hour or maybe it was two. I hadn't slept all night and sleep was far from my mind. I kept looking at his little hands and feet and his wrinkly little face. He is so perfect.
Eventually it was time to weigh him and the midwife said "anyone want to take a guess?" I don't know, 9 1/2 pounds? Nope. Almost 11 pounds! It was the biggest baby the midwife or the midwife assistant (also named Michelle) had ever helped deliver. They measured his head and then his chest. It turns out his chest was bigger than his head! No wonder it was so hard to push him out!

The days that followed have been a bit hazy. It turns out that newborns eat a lot and often. I sometimes find myself feeding him every hour! We are continually learning to communicate with each other. I catch myself just staring at his face and totally losing track of time. I can't believe we created this amazing creature. I met a woman once who had a son. She described him as her heart walking around outside her body. I totally get that now. I am so excited to share this amazing world with him.

We have also been graced with some of the best friends this world has to offer. Shortly after Liam's birth we were given loads of pre-prepared meals. I cannot even explain how amazingly helpful and wonderful these gifts have been. I cannot help but think that if it weren't for all this food, we would be living off of Ramen noodles and cold cereal. Thanks to everyone who has helped us!

Instead of posting all of Liam's photos on the blog which would take forever, I've created a photobucket album which I am continually updating with his most recent photos. If you would like to see them, you can check it out here:

Once I get my bearings a little better, I will try and continue posting on this blog updates on how our little man is doing.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Get Ready Earth, I'm Coming! Weeks 37-38

Last week I started having much stronger Braxton Hicks contractions. (side note: for those who don't know what these are they are considered "practice contractions" or "false contractions") It dawned on me, he could come at any minute now! It was a really overwhelming feeling that this was actually happening! Then...nothing happened. The contractions stopped and I realized I had to get myself really mentally prepared for this!
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, dummy, you've had 9 months to do that! I thought that I was mentally ready until the actual symptoms of labor began to happen. Skip forward to a week later at present time. The contractions haven't stopped, the morning sickness hasn't stopped, the limbs numbing haven't stopped, my hips hurt, It takes me several minutes to do simple tasks like get out of bed or get up from the couch. I AM READY!! I am mentally ready, physically ready and now, thanks to a week of final preparation, I am baby ready!

I have my birthing bag packed with receiving blankets and tiny hats, I have the nursery ready and almost complete (with the exceptions of just a few more alphabet letters) *Pictures posted below*, I have cleaned the house top to bottom, I hand-washed the car and vacuumed it out so our little man wouldn't be insulted by all that Nico hair, I made a birthing music mix and I stocked the house with labor foods like Gatorade and frozen peaches (my favorite).

Last week the day after I started having contractions the midwife checked my baby making bits to see my progress. I was pretty nervous because of the last examination. She was even a little rougher which made me even more nervous but all went well. She told me that I was still 1cm dilated and that I had gone from 30% effacement to 80% effacement (side note: for those of you who don't know what that is it means my cervix or "baby exit" is getting softer and easier for him to come out). I decided not to get checked at this weeks visit. I wasn't as comfortable with this midwife and Mike wasn't with me which is always a sign that something bad will inevitably happen. It's interesting on that note. I'm discovering that if Mike is not at the appointment with me my blood pressure is higher than when he is there. I'm not sure if it's coincidence or if he really does calm me. I am going with the fact that he calms me. Which is perfect for someone who is going to be my labor coach.

Also on the big news front, we have FINALLY decided on a name!
Liam Kilpatrick
It's a name we've liked from the beginning but have avoided because it's fairly popular right now. Mike and I were driving one day and I was thinking about the name Liam and he said out loud "you know, I still like the name Liam" I took it as a sign, that and it has been the only name so far that just feels right. Now all we have to do is come up with a middle name! Zeus? Thunder? Man Hammer?

I am hoping beyond all hopes that this is my last pregnancy picture to post and that the next blog will be me actually holding my son. If not though, you can bet it will be a really sour face picture.

On a fun note, I am posting a picture of my Mom the day she went into labor with me. She looks like how I did 3 months ago! Needless to say, our pregnancies have not been the same. She is so cute!

The Nursery!

 The infamous Alphabet Wall! 

*Beka and Rooney, you may notice that your cookie shaped "C" is not on the wall. I am sad to say that shortly after we received it, the dogs ate it, well attempted to eat it, it was pretty hard. They are such jerks sometimes!

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's the Final Countdown! Weeks 34-36

This little guy is packing on the pounds!
At least I would like to think that it is him gaining all this weight and not me.
There are lots of changes happening to my body that it has now become an alien force that I am unfamiliar with.
I now have fingers and toes that no longer look spidery but sausagey. It takes all the strength in the world to move from my right side to my left side once I've laid down in bed. I'm like a reverse turtle.
I also find several of my limbs falling asleep from just sitting or laying down. Like I said, alien body.
It is also 100% impossible to find any outfit that covers my belly. That sucker cannot be tamed.

I am now officially full-term; meaning that if I go into labor I will be able to deliver him at the birthing center and have him be healthy.

There was a slight scare the other day when I had my midwife appointment for my 36 week check up. She did an exam to check my cervix to see how it was doing. She said I was 1 centimeter dilated and my cervix was softening nicely. After the exam was done I began bleeding a lot. Enough to scare me and the midwife. We ended up doing an ultrasound to make sure my placenta was in a good location and not compromising anything.
The ultra sound found that everything was normal and our little guy was doing just fine. He is head down and facing the correct direction and everything.
Eventually the bleeding stopped and I was able to calm down. Apparently it is fairly common for bleeding to happen on those types of exams, it was just very worrisome. I wasn't prepared for that kind of a scare.

After my midwife appointment, I was really able to feel my Braxton Hicks contractions. Before they had been painless but now I could really feel the pressure. I can't help but feel like this is a sign that he is going to be slightly early. That and he is monstrously huge.

Today is also my last day of work at Evolution Graphics. It is bitter sweet because I hate to leave the job but I am also excited to be able to relax a bit before this little guys comes.

Now for the freak show...My belly:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Balloon Tops and Baby Drops Weeks 32-33

When I first got pregnant Mike and I sat down and made a list of all the things we were going to need as new parents. Needless to say the list was very over whelming. How on earth were we going to have enough time or money to gather all of these essentials?!
Little did I know, that with the amazing support of my family and friends this list would not only be fulfilled but then some! These last two weeks we were showered with even more amazing generosity!
My older sister Jen, who as most of you may already know, lives in California. She came up with the brilliant idea of throwing a shower by mail. This way family and friends who live far from the lone star state could help outfit our little baby bean (that's right no name yet) and get him ready for this world! The shower was themed to go along with the nursery idea we have for his room:
Each guest mailed a gift and an alphabet letter. I can't even explain how fun it was opening these gifts! We signed on to Skype and via internet I opened some of the most spectacular gifts and letters. With the exception of just a few letters, I am almost ready to decorate the alphabet wall. I will hopefully have it all put together to show pictures in the next blog post.
My sister, even though she was so far away made this day so special, she even surprised me with balloons!

As if this weren't incredible enough, this past weekend my amazing friend Kendall threw me a shower with all of my friends from Austin. I couldn't believe how many people gathered together on Mike and I (and bean's) behalf! It wasn't until I sat down to open my gifts and looked around at all my friends that it hit me how absolutely blessed the three of us really are.

I just want to thank everyone and I mean EVERYONE for not only helping us fulfill our baby "necessity list" but supporting us in this exciting adventure of new parenthood.
I am so grateful to have such amazing family and friends that would bend over backwards for us. I can't even express enough how much I truly appreciated all of your generosity. It is bringing tears to my eyes just thinking about how absolutely blessed we are. Thank you all so so much.

On a quick note about Baby Bean, he is now head down (yay!) and my iron levels are back to normal. He is still moving around like crazy all the time. This past Friday he was trying to kick his way out through my belly button which really hurts! It kind of freaked me out so I called the Birthing Center to make sure that something wasn't wrong. I feel silly now but at the time I was thinking "is this was a contraction feels like?" I was assured that it was normal to feel pain around the nerve endings in the belly button if he's moving around there and no, that is not a contraction. It's really crazy to think that in about 7 weeks he will be here. I forget sometimes to appreciate these quiet moments in my life because soon they will be no more.

I now present my belly!
I had a bit of a shocking realization that he is still going to double in weight before he is born. Where on earth am I suppose to put that much baby?!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Decision 2012...The Name

Not having a name for our unborn bean is driving me bonkers!
I've worked up a survey so you guys can put in your opinion and help me pick a name in the process.
I look forward to seeing what you think!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Woah! Put That Thing Away! Weeks 28-31

I am not doing so hot with keeping up with this blog every two weeks am I?

It has been a pretty hectic past 3 weeks. It started off with a shared shower in Fort Worth with my sister in law Stephanie who is due any day now!  Most of the turnout was from Mike’s side of the family who were so generous and great to hang out with! I also got to see my friend Jayne who I haven’t seen in almost 5 years!

This is also the busiest time for work at my job. I would typically thrive on being super busy at work but having a human strapped to my abdomen definitely makes it difficult. Sitting for too long makes my ribs ache and standing too long makes me dizzy and have to pee. It pretty much makes me feel like a whiney beast all the time.

It was all worth it though because of this past weekend. Me, Mike and our friend Dehron all flew to Colorado (last flight before the baby!) for a fun-filled extended weekend.  My amazing friends Shannon and Heather threw me a spectacular shower where not only did we get a plethora of children’s books and wonderful gifts I got to see friends who I haven’t seen since we moved to Austin.  I was in heaven.

The weekend’s greatness just continued from there. We attended our dear friends Grant and Abbey’s wedding (the main reason for being in Colorado) that was held in the snowy mountains of Estes Park. All in all is was dream-like.

Enough about what I’ve been doing, let’s talk about baby bean!
I know you’re probably wondering, have you picked a name yet or what?! The answer is no. We do have a list started though. Unfortunately nothing we have our hearts set on. I had no idea how difficult this naming business would be!

At my last visit to the midwife I did the glucose test which we passed with flying colors. Unfortunately we didn’t do so hot on our iron levels. I am trying to eat more iron rich foods and I have a supplement I’ve been taking every day.  It’s sad that a lot of iron rich foods are ones that I don’t really like right now like red meat, dark greens such as kale and arugula and kidneys. It’s a shame there isn’t iron in chocolate because I would probably be over-dosing on that!

All in all I think everything is going well, with the exception of morning sickness, achy ribs, over active bladder, the baby kicking the over active bladder, the baby kicking all my organs all the time, and not sleeping. I put that in small print for those out there who don’t want to hear me whine or those out there who are planning on getting pregnant anytime soon. That is what you have to look forward to. Ahhh…

Now behold the next magical act…Britt turning into a killer whale!

This is what I would look like if we were expecting twins!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Nesting and Resting Weeks 25-27

I have officially lost the luxury of comfort. I can't do anything comfortably. Sitting, Standing, Walking, Sleeping, Eating, the list goes on. That is my one bout of complaining and I am done. I don't want anyone to think for a second that I am not grateful for this massive miracle. Usually it just feel massive but I have to keep telling myself how lucky I really am.
The beginning of the New Year has brought with it my nesting bug. I cleared out my craft room and moved it all into our office. It was kind of hard to say goodbye to my personal space but then I looked down at my belly and realized my personal space has been invaded for months now. I also ripped off all the couch covers and did a deep clean on the couch. I don't know why, it just seemed like it had to be done. I also gave our dog Klauss a deep clean and hair cut. Poor guy got sucked into my nesting tornado. He does look like a million bucks though!
Last week we started our Bradley Birthing Class. I really like our teacher Chan. She makes the idea of giving natural birth sound doable and not this impossible torture that can't be done. 
Also on the list of good news, our baby is paid off! Well, the prenatal appointments and delivery anyway. It's comforting knowing we won't (unless something goes terribly wrong) have to pay hospital bills for months afterwards. 
Last subject to bring up is names. No we don't have one yet. Each blog entry I hope to have one to reveal. My hope for the next two weeks is to find one and pin it down! I can say that Mike has been doing some family history searching and there may or may not be some gem names in the family. We'll see...

Please try to hold in your vomit as you see how grotesquely huge I've gotten. Also, don't look too close but the belly button has popped. **sigh**

I am also going to show off Klauss's sweet hair cut. What a hansom man.