Monday, June 18, 2012

Month Two = The light is ON

At any given point of time in the day I will undeniably have a combination of either pee, spit-up, milk or poo on me. At the moment I have spit-up on my neck and a tank top covered in milk. Should I shower and change? yes. Will I? Probably not.
I'm not sure when it happened but some time over the past three weeks a light switch clicked on in Liam's brain. He started looking at us and smiling. What a feeling! This mostly happens when he first wakes up in the morning. I'm sure he does that on purpose because he sees my grouchy sleep deprived face and can't help but smile which makes me smile and able to start my day right.
He is also entertained my moving things that make noise. Rattles, blinking lights, he loves his mobile in his crib. He was fussing like crazy one day and Mike put him under a toy cat that has flashing lights and plays music and he went absolutely silent. He was totally enthralled. I am liking this new phase. There are phases I am not enjoying. He now totally hates car rides. I think he gets bored or lonely or something but I can't even run a quick errand without having a crying baby on my hands. He's totally happy once we get there, it's just the car ride. I'm REALLY hoping it's a phase he'll grow out of.
This month he was able to meet his Uncle Brian and Uncle Jon which was really awesome. They were so good with him.
He also had his first trip to the lake and to the swimming pool. It's just too darn hot not to be in the water in Texas.
I've started watching our neighbor's baby a couple of days a week for extra income. He is 7 months old and really fun for the most part. There are those moments when both babies are crying and I have to decide who to pick up first and how to calm them both at the same time. It's at those moments that I think "Thank God I didn't have twins" I have to give kudos to anyone who has raised twins. It's hard enough with just one baby! I can't believe I wanted twins so badly!
Liam has also been using his voice a lot more. His baby talk is so cute and loud for such a little guy! A part of me is hoping this means he will start speaking sooner rather than later.
This month he weighed in at 17lbs 10oz and 26in long. He has outgrown most of his 3 month clothes and is now wearing 6 month clothing. I'm a little nervous what his size will be at 6 months!
I have to admit, it is a lot of fun seeing him develop has quickly as he has been. I know it's just going to get even better.

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