Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cue the Drum Roll!! Weeks 18-20

The past couple of weeks I have been a bundle of nerves. All leading up to today. The day we found out what the sex of our little bean is.
I feel like I am a good 5 inches rounder and as I found out today, 5 pounds heavier!
We had an 8:15am appointment with the ultra sound tech and sure enough, we were up, dressed and ready to go at 7:15am. Needless to say,we were filled with even more anticipation when the time came for me to lay on the bed and have a mountain of gel squirted onto my abdomen. I had day dreamed of this moment so many times. In my day dream she would put the ultra sound gizmo to my stomach and say "Congratulation, you are having a ______". Instead she put the gizmo to my stomach and zoomed in on the femur and cranium for measurements. I didn't even know what I was looking at! It was in such a strange position I couldn't even tell what was what. When the time came to FINALLY see the sex of the baby we discovered that it was straddling the placenta and we couldn't even see what was down there! Oh no!
Luckily we had a kind hearted tech who suggested we go to our other mid-wife appointment and come back in a few minutes to see if the baby will have moved by then.
The second go around was a much better success. She didn't do any zooming on bones or other bits she got straight to the point and we found out that we are going to be proud parents of a little boy.
I am so excited. I am imaging what a beautiful blue eyed boy he is going to be. Mike has been all smiles all day about it. He not so secretly wanted a boy all along.
Even though we don't have any names picked out and we are still avoiding the conversation about snipping or not snipping this is a glorious day!
It should also be known that everything else looks very healthy on the little lad. He has a healthy heart, head, two arm, two legs, and spine. I must admit, I was a little nervous we would get a look at the baby and it would have two heads or fins or something. Whew, in the clear.

I just had to post this amazing photo of Mike as a kid. This is how I imagine our future son... Bad Ass.

20 Weeks and going strong!

Here he is!
It turns out we have a baby who is moving all the time. He wouldn't stay still for a clear shot but of all the photos printed, this one was probably the closest to a human as possible.

The photo looks kind of creepy I know.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wild Thing...You Move Me (Weeks 17-18)

It has been an exciting past two weeks!

We had a mid-wife appointment last week and were told that I am healthy and our little bean is healthy too. We got to hear the heart beat again. It still blows my mind that that very fast little heartbeat is coming from my stomach!

This week I have had a relapse of morning sickness. Not cool body. I thought that was all over and done with. Luckily this morning sickness does not include throwing up and it usually subsides by around 10am. I know it’s all because of this insane growth spurt that has just happened. Seriously, look at the photo from this post then the one from last post. Ahhh!

Hand in hand with this growth spurt has been the official movement of the baby. I’ve been feeling it move for a while now but it is seriously moving now. If I hold my hand over my stomach I can actually feel it move! Mike didn’t believe me so he rushed over and put his hand were mind was and sure enough BAM! Mike got to feel it move too. It was such a joy to see his reaction.

That was also the first night of me having a horrible night’s sleep, then the next, and the next. I think I’ve reached what I will call the “pillow” stage in pregnancy where no matter how many pillows you have, your back still hurts and you still feel like crap in the morning. Although, last night I had the combination of three pillows and a heating pad and I slept pretty good.

We officially know when we are going to find out the sex of the baby NOVEMBER 29TH 2011. It has pretty much consumed my entire thoughts. I can’t believe that in just two weeks I will be half way through this pregnancy. Time is flying by!