Tuesday, November 20, 2012

7 Months: This is Fun!

I apologize in advance for my writing this evening. I am half asleep but know I won't get to this if I don't do it now.
Little Man Liam is now 7 months old and weighed in just short of 26lbs. He is massive! He is now wearing 18 month old clothing. I'm afraid to know what I have in store for me by the time he's a year! I'm thinking a 5 o' clock shadow and a baritone voice.
He is so close to crawling it is ridiculous! He is pulling himself up onto his knees but hasn't quite gotten the whole moving forward thing. We've witnessed a couple of crawl steps but then he loses momentum. He does have a tendency to do scoot himself backwards under furniture like tables, beds, and chair. He'll get all the way underneath and then get frustrated that he is stuck.
He still only has 2 teeth and keeps acting like he is getting more but none have surfaced.
He is loving being on solid foods and so far has eaten everything we've given him. His least favorite is jars of baby food. He seems to prefer the real deal.
We did our first big travel with him around Halloween for my Aunt's wedding and of course to see his Chi Chi (my mom) and Maw Maw (my Grandma) up in Oklahoma. He was a rock star on the way home but cried for about an hour on the way up there. Sometimes he just doesn't like the car.
We are taking our first air travel in a couple of weeks and I am terrified! I am doing it without Mike and I'm thinking things are going to get crazy. I'm imagining crying the whole time, explosive diaper, explosive spit up on the passenger sitting next to us, and more crying. Maybe I will start now with a pep talk to Liam about how amazing planes are, even though I think they're pretty terrifying. And probably I should bring a gift for whomever ends up sitting next to us.
I am drawing a blank on any other fun Liam news. I'm sure I'll catch it all by next month. In the meantime, enjoy these photos and goodnight!

**update: this was written on Thursday and it is now Monday. Still sleep deprived and very sorry I forgot to post this sooner!

Almost there!

At the Pumpkin Patch in Oklahoma

Bruce Liam: Ninja Master