Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Half of One Year: A Real Ham

Liam is now 6 months old!
Man the time if flying by! I have been waiting for this age. He is becoming more independent and I love it!
He can sit up really well now. No pillow needed to catch him anymore.
He loves to play with toys. His favorites are those that have a cool texture when he chews on them because he chews on all of the toys and I mean all of them. Among his favorites are any kind of paper, an old foam bath toy, and our water bottles. On the plus side, these toys are cheap!
The big news this month is that he has started solids and not surprisingly he loves everything that I've fed him so far. Sweet potatoes, rice cereal, banana, apples, peas, carrots, oats, butternut squash, pear and avocado  He even ate part of a lime yesterday and loved that too! Let's hope he keeps it up.
In other big news he's begun to mimic our words. So far he's said da da and ma ma. He doesn't know what he's saying but hey, it's a start!
It is so fun to see his personality really start to blossom. He is such a ham. He is always happy and laughing. I just love being around him and know that is a trait of his that will last throughout his life. I am truly blessed.
Klauss has become Liam's tag-a-long. He follows Liam wherever he is. When I go to put Liam down for bed or a nap, Klauss will lay outside his door. He also loves french kissing Liam which we try to minimalize because Klauss eats some pretty nasty stuff. Liam also has a fascination with Klauss's bum which we REALLY try to minimalize because that's just nasty.
Liam weighed in at one ounce shy of 24lbs and is a whopping 29" long. He is barely fitting in his 12 month clothes.
OH how could I forget! He also has 2 new teeth! They are his bottom ones and they are as sharp as razor blades! Luckily this hasn't been an issue while breastfeeding.
Liam at 6 months:

 For Liam's half birthday we planted him a peach tree. It should grow great in this Texas climate and it will be fun to watch the both of them grow together.

Liam with pea face:

Lastly, for those of you who haven't seen it yet, here is a link to see Liam say dada!

1 comment:

  1. Heart melt going on right this instant! He has the sweetest, happy smile! Can't wait to see him! Also, is it just the camera angle or does that kiddo have some pretty long feet to go with the rest of his long self?
