Saturday, September 15, 2012

5 Months: Discovery is Upon Us!

How fun life is!
Everyday there is something new that this little man discovers.
Four days ago he officially sat up all by himself, no help needed! I still surround him with cautionary pillows, just in case.
He is also teething which means if he can touch it, it goes in the mouth to be gummed to death.
It's as if the light bulb was turned on and all the wheels of the Liam brain factory began all at once. He loves watching the world around him. People, animals, cars, toys, he is intrigued by it all.
He is also laughing and smiling more than ever. He really is such a joy to be around.
I've read him books since he was a few weeks old but he is now really getting into them, he hits at the pages when excitement then uses all of his strength to pry it out of my hand to chomp on it. Perhaps one day he will sit quietly as I read to him. Ha! Fat chance!
Shortly after his 4 month birthday he rolled over from his back to his stomach. But he still hasn't learned to roll from his stomach to his back. There have been several a morning that I hear a distressed fuss and find him on his belly in his crib. Fingers crossed that this development happens soon!
This month he weighed in at 22lbs 10oz. His growth is slowing down a little bit. Thank goodness! I don't think my back can handle much more weight before it snaps!
Last weekend Sara, a friend of ours, did a photo shoot with Liam. These are probably the best photos I've ever seen in my entire life. I am biased of course but she really did an amazing job.
Here is a link if you're interested in having your heart filled with rays of sunshine:!i=2085886174&k=SXt7wwC

and now for your viewing pleasure, my mediocre photos of Liam's 5 month birthday. This is his dapper Newsies outfit.

1 comment:

  1. Love him! Five months has always been a favorite baby age of mine. He is truly precious!
