Monday, December 17, 2012

8 Months and MOVING!!

This past month has been an explosion of development!
On Thanksgiving Liam finally took crawling steps and by my birthday a week later he was off!
He finally got his two front teeth in which as exciting as it is, is kind of no fun. He had a few restless nights because of it not to mention having to practice his biting skills on lots of things.
He is talking more, saying fuller babble words. If that makes sense.
Now that he is crawling he is into EVERYTHING!
Mike has taken it upon himself to baby proof the house and we need it!
I've had to catch him a couple of times from going head first down the stairs. Oh boy!
If I thought he was moving before he is REALLY moving now! He's even moving around like crazy in his sleep.
He had his first over night stay with his Grandma Chi Chi (my mom). Bless her soul it was the day his two front teeth were cutting in and he was getting sick to boot! She was so kind to take care of him while I soaked in the hot springs for my 30th.
Now that Christmas is right around the corner it has been non-stop!
Liam got to see Santa last Saturday and did surprisingly well! I'm looking forward to seeing how he does with opening up presents.
He didn't have a pediatrician appointment this month so I'm not absolutely sure of his weight but I weighed him at Baby Earth and the scale said 24.9lb which would mean he's lost a pound so I'm not sure how accurate that scale really is. Or it could be that he's up and moving around so much he's lost some baby weight. We'll find out next month I guess!
Alrighty, I'm off to make sure he's not getting into anything too dangerous.
Photo time!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these photos! His amazing personality just shines! I miss that baby soooo much!
