Wednesday, November 6, 2013

18 Months: Strong Man with a Strong Personality!

Liam is really growing up to be such a spectacular human. I know I'm suppose to feel that way because he's my son but really, he's such a joy to be around.
He has this ability to make me want to be with him, next to him always. I hug him constantly and smell his hair and even his breath, I love the smell of his breath, especially in the morning and after nap. I know, I'm weird.
I want to treasure every second of this stage. I just envision him being an 18 year old in an instant want to snuggle my little bear while I still can.

I think the biggest and by big, I mean HUGE development that has happened is that Liam is now sleeping through the night!! I'm not talking about 6 hour stretches, I mean legit from 7pm-7am (well 6am after the dumb time change). I have Mike to thank fully for that. It took a few early mornings of Mike having to go in and calm him instead of me that he realized it wasn't worth getting up and stayed asleep!

He is also talking up a storm. He is using two, sometimes three words together at a time. "Up Please", "Bad Dog (this is Klauss)", "Mama Warh Warh (with a rolled R in there for water)".

He love motorized vehicles, no surprise there. He's a boy and Mike's son. His favorites are buses and semi trucks. If we pass any of these he gets very excited and points. If we pass a bus, we always have to start singing the wheels on the bus. He even does the wheel gesture.

He loves the alphabet. Who knew that those fantastic alphabet letters that everyone gave for his nursery would come in handy for educating him too! He calls all alphabet letters "B". I'll say "A B C" and he goes "B B B". I give him a B for effort. He'll wake up from his nap, stand in his crib, point to his alphabet wall and say "B...B...B..." He does know that D is for Dada and M is for Mama and W is for Warh Warh so that's a start!

He loves, I mean LOVES to read books. His favorites change on a weekly basis which is nice. He hasn't fixated on one book that we have to read one million times. Although right now he's really into this peek-a-boo book and bathtime book that are starting to get pretty old.

He's become a little pickier with eating. He still likes most everything but he doesn't like a lot of veggies. Not too surprised, he is a one year old. He can still eat an entire container of berries though.

He is such a love. He gives hugs and kisses generously. He smiles and laughs all the time. He can be a bit of a bully at times with other kids though. His technique is that he will go up and give the youngster a hug then immediately shove them over. It's usually kids around a year old who are extra wobbly to begin with. I'm hoping it's a phase he grows out of quickly.

Halloween was about a week ago and we had SO much fun! I felt very prideful going up to those first few houses and showing him where to ring the doorbell and to say "trick or treat", he would say "pees! (please)" instead. Then afterwards he would say (well sign it) "thank you". He says "aah ooo" for thank you.

We've introduced a little potty in the house. It's by the bathtub so right before bath he sits on it to "go potty" before bath. He never actually goes but he'll sit on it. A couple of times I've caught him in the act of peeing and was able to get him to the potty in time. He hasn't quite grasped it yet but my hope is that by two he'll be more apt to learn. I am already tired of this diaper changing thing.

He weighs 31.5 lbs and is 36" tall I think or maybe it's 34".
He's in the 100% for height and 95% for weight.

Enough of this blabbering, here are the pics!