Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hunk O' Lovin': 4 Month Old

Liam is now 4 months old and as adorable as ever!
He just weighed in at 21.7 lbs and 28 inches long. He just won't stop!
He is now in 9 month clothing and even some of that is getting snug.
He is so much fun to be around. He is smiling and laughing constantly which just radiates joy everywhere.
He is able to hold himself up so he can now use his Johnny Jumper and Walker. He love to be moving always! He can't quite sit up on his own yet but I think he's getting pretty close.
Another exciting development is that he can now reach out and grab at things. Whatever it is, it usually goes directly in his mouth to be drooled and gummed all over.
His favorite things are to nosh on his swaddler blankets and being sung itsy bitsy spider.
He's still a bit fussy in the car but I've discovered if I put loads of noisy bright toys back there with him, he get distracted at how much he hates the car.
We started a bedtime routine this past month and it's been going well...sort of. He goes down easily about half of the time. The other half he tries to fight the sleep. He was on his way to sleeping through the night until he hit a growth spurt a couple of weeks ago and now he's waking up 2-3 times in the night and waking up at 6am instead of the normal 8am. It's pretty rough. I'm hoping this is just another phase.
For this months picture, I couldn't pick just one so you get to see several!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww...Such a Sweet Boy, Just Like his Daddy.
