Saturday, July 27, 2013

15 Months: Poo Master 3000

It is insane how much changes in just 3 months!
Liam could barely walk and now he's running! He can say loads and loads of words and says a new one almost everyday! Today his new word was "taco".
He is so much fun to be around.

He has lots of favorite things that he loves at the moment:
-Balls : pretty much anything that is round is called a "ball-ball" tomatoes, rocks, water balloons, peaches, you name it.
-Poo Poo : Hence the title of this post. He absolutely loves all things poo related. If there is dog poo in the back yard he will hone in on it immediately. He will run over to it, pick it up and bring it to me like he's found some lost treasure and say "Poo! Poo!" Then I typically say "Eww, yucky Liam, no poo poo!" Then we either put it in the trash bin or down the toilet and he gets so excited to say "Bye Bye poo poo!" as he waves bye bye to the little log. He now lets us know when he has a poopy diaper too. "poo poo diaper" then when he gets changed he says "bye bye poo poo" so we can go flush the poo down the toilet (we use cloth diapers so it must get flushed). I am really hoping this phase ends soon. We are running out of hand soap and I can only handle so much poo in my day.
-Bananas : Like, a lot.
-Trucks, the real ones that are loud and impressive. Trash trucks, ambulances, semi-trucks, monster trucks, he loves em' all!
-Anything farm animal related. His favorite animal song is this youtube video: he could watch this thing a million times and not get bored.
-WATER! I am so happy he's a water baby. Mostly because it's crazy hot here and being in the water is the place to be. We got him a floaty vest thing and he has become fearless in the water. My hope is to have him ready to swim by next summer, or at least able to make it to the edge of the pool by himself.
-Reading : I was doing something downstairs when I realized I hadn't seen Liam in quite some time. I thought "oh great, there has got to be dog poo involved or clothes in the toilet" so I snuck upstairs to find the deviant only to find him sitting in his rocking chair reading his books. My heart melted right there on the spot.
-Shoes : Liam owns 5 pairs of shoes and loves all of them! Everyday he will pick out which shoes he wants to wear (sometimes matching, sometimes not) and will wear them inside, outside, everywhere! He'd even wear them to bed if we let him. He likes his hats too but not as much as his shoes.

The challenges at the moment are very minor. He's is going to sleep great...only for Mike. I still have to coax him into a restful slumber. It's pretty ridiculous actually. If he's crying and I go in there he starts wailing, then absolutely MUST be held. If he's crying and Mike opens the door and says "Shhh" he lays right down and goes to sleep!! Mike's got the magic touch.
Liam has also discovered tantrums and fits. These only happen when he's tired but happen none-the-less. I'm hoping once he's communicating even better he can express his frustration in other ways.
I have no complaints really. I love this boy more than life itself. He's amazing.

Friday, July 26, 2013

12 Months: Go Go Going!

I realize I am posting this past Liam's 12 month mark.
To be honest, once he turned one he's been a non-stop walking/running adventurous tike!
If memory serves me right, on his first birthday he officially started walking for REAL. Full steps without falling.
His first birthday was an absolute hoot!
It was viking themed and full of friends, food, toys and CAKE!
I'm posting the best pics below.

Another important, slightly sad event that happened just days after Liam's first birthday is that he slipped while crawling and chipped his front tooth.
It took me awhile to grieve over it's loss but now think it just makes him look extra adorable.