Sunday, March 24, 2013

11 Months: First Steps!!

It has happened folks, Liam has finally taken his first steps!!
It looks more like a waddle and less like a walk but it is amazing none the less.

He is also talking up a storm! He mimics a lot of words and actions that we say and do.
I'm having to be more careful, that's for sure!

He is more adventurous than ever these days. There have been a few times I've found him in the backyard playing because Penny (our cat) opened the backdoor and he just let himself right out!
He's gotten quite good at going up and down the stairs. I've been downstairs and noticed it was quiet and found Liam upstairs in his room reading books. I love that he can play independently.
He also LOVES going to the park. He is so good at climbing and is fearless when it comes to going down any slide. This gives me heart palpitations but I secretly love that he is so brave.

In just a little over 2 weeks our little man is going to be a year old!
I remember this time last year I was trying everything in my might to get this baby out. I was walking about 2 miles a day, eating spicy spicy food, and doing lots of squats. He came at just the right time though. Bluebonnets will be in full blossom, butterflies will be gathering around the bright green grass and it won't be scorching hot outside.

I am attaching pictures now. Let it be known that this was THE best monthly photo shoot up to date. He is such a ham!

Posing for GQ (I mean BQ) magazine

The Money Shot


  1. He is amazing! I can't wait to see him!

  2. Isn't it funny how their first steps kind of look like us at the end of pregnancy?? Just saying. :) Kind of why they call them toddlers. They toddle on through life for a little while.
