Friday, July 26, 2013

12 Months: Go Go Going!

I realize I am posting this past Liam's 12 month mark.
To be honest, once he turned one he's been a non-stop walking/running adventurous tike!
If memory serves me right, on his first birthday he officially started walking for REAL. Full steps without falling.
His first birthday was an absolute hoot!
It was viking themed and full of friends, food, toys and CAKE!
I'm posting the best pics below.

Another important, slightly sad event that happened just days after Liam's first birthday is that he slipped while crawling and chipped his front tooth.
It took me awhile to grieve over it's loss but now think it just makes him look extra adorable.

1 comment:

  1. He already looks so much different than these pictures. He's taller, looks older, and has much longer hair.
