Monday, January 27, 2014

21 Months : Toilets, Talking and Tantrums

I know I say this almost every time about my little bear but he amazes and surprises everyday.

He is just 3 months shy of being the BIG TWO and boy is he showing it!

He is so curious and clever! Where as before he would love to explore all things in his reach he now realizes he can extend his reach with the simple task of pushing a chair or step stool anywhere. He doesn't so much explore any more as want to be involved in everything. When I make toast, he wants to have his stool right there and put the toast in the toaster himself and turn the dial and even butter it himself. Most of the time he just ends up eating the butter off a butter knife but hey, it's a start.
I love that he is independant and wanting to learn and try new things.

He is talking SO much now it is unbelievable. Everyday there is a new word and he will literally try and say any word that we ask him to. Although, apparently his name is still "Bee-boo".
He is slowly but surely learning his colors. He realizes now that not every color is blue.
He knows that "M" is for mama and "D" is for dada but he doesn't quite say any letter on his own except "B". The ABCs are "BBB".
He is learning to count too! When we count together he puts his hands up and tries to use his fingers. He's gotten up to "one, two, three".

We have slowly been introducing him into the world of potty training. He goes pretty regularly on his little potty so I've been wanting to take it a step further and I bought him his first set of big boy undies. He looks SO cute in them! But alas, big boy undies do not make a child potty trained. I'm sure in due time he'll grasp this whole potty thing because I am so done with diapers and to be honest, he's outgrowing his cloth diapers and I really don't want to buy more!

We recently transitioned him into a big boy bed because he kept climbing out of his crib. It has been a learning process for the both of us! The first couple of nights he was all over the place. Rolling out of bed, rolling under the bed, waking himself and all of us up. Eventually we wisened up and put a pool noodle under his sheet next to the edge of the bed. He's slowly getting the hang of things.

He is such a sweet spirited loving boy. He brings so much light and joy into this house. We are truly blessed. He loves to read books, sing songs, dance, color (even if it's on furniture), play play play and has begun to show his imagination through his play.

He still struggles with sharing toys. He still likes to shove littles to see if they will fall or if they are trying to take his toys. We are REALLY trying to work on this.

When it's time to settle for bed, he loves to touch my neck. He calls this "dee" I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. Sometimes this is nice because if he's crying I can put his hand on my neck and he'll instantly calm down but then most of the time this is annoying because he's all up in my business grabbing at my neck. What's odd is he doesn't do this for Mike, just me. I'd like to think that he's feeling my pulse in my neck making sure that my heart is still beating. Morbid?

I've now been writing this blog post for three days so I am going to say farewell and share the good stuff, photos!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog posts about Liam! So much fun! Love the photos too and and of course, love you and Mike Liam very dearly. Feel like I need another visit real soon. Miss you guys a lot.
